Richard’s profile

A hard working professional 3d Artist and animator who loves to tell stories using computer generated imagery. Respect and admire different styles, a great fan of Studio Ghibli, Manga and Pixar, games Red dead redemption, No mans Sky, Cyberpunk, Black Tiger and Forza motor sport.

Previous industries include VR learning, Architectural visualisation and animation shorts. Tools of choice include Substance painter, Photoshop, Illustrator, After effects, Premier, 3dsMax, Blender, Unity, FL Studio, Iclone 8, Character creator 4, Axis studio.

My future plans include working in games development for mobile or PC. Creating models, Texturing and animation.

After effects
3d Modelling
3d Rendering
Animation 2d/ 3d
Substance painter




VERTEX Aerospace Ltd
3d Media Developer

October 2022 – Present day


• Create scenes in 3ds Max 2020-2023/ Blender 2.8/ Substance painter 2023 (Modelling/ Texturing/Rendering/Animation).

  • Design characters using 3ds Max 2023, Character creator 4, Iclone 8, Axis Studio for use in VR simulations, and instructional lessons.

After Effects animation, Syncing audio to animation. Illustrator integration with After Effects and 3ds Max.

• Managed multiple projects at the same time, prioritising projects depending of due date. liaised with external designers.


Graphic design – Animation
January 2021 – Present day


Working on various short term contracts for companies trading in ecommerce, Engineering, Architecture and eLearning.


3D Animator
October 2018 – October 2020


  • Designed and created scenes in 3ds Max (Modelling/ Texturing/Rendering/Animation)
  • After Effects animation, Syncing audio to animation. Photoshop, Illustrator integration with After Effects and 3ds Max.
  • Brand guardian of design content for Web/Social Media/ Exhibitions and print.
  • Completed images used on Billboards, Excel Exhibitions and Magazines promoting projects with huge financial liability.
  • Extensive knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel and PowerPoint).
  • Conceptualised designs from sketches or reference images, work ideas into workable professional products.
  • Managed multiple projects at the same time, prioritising projects depending of due date. liaised with external designers – printers.
  • Develop and teach other members of team in new technology and terminology. Including colour theory, negative space and 60.30.10 rule.
Graphic design – Animation – 3d Visualisation
May 2013 – October 2018


  • Completed animation for Banner advertising, GIF logos and promotional videos for Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.
  • Created 3d scenes for Architecture, Gaming and products in Unity games engine.
  • Created realistic images and animation of Bars, Restaurants, Exhibitions and products to be used in Advertising, Ecommerce, Websites, Print.
  • Sourced, amended typography to complement images created from 3d renders or from stock image libraries.
  • Managed own computers including render servers, Purchase software that helped in the design process.
  • Edited Images using Photoshop to be manipulated in web pages, this included video in Premier.
  • Completed projects for The Hive, VCCP, Hot Prickle, MSA, Mott McDonald, Impact media, projects printed in worldwide magazines, newspapers.


3d Visualiser – Graphic designer
December 2006 – May 2013


  • Created 3d scenes of Interior/ Exterior designs by architects, using CAD drawings as reference for accuracy.
  • Textured scenes using Photoshop and PBR – Vray
  • Animated completed scenes using cameras flythrough and slice modifiers using Vray.
  • Managed websites using Dreamweaver, coding with HTML, CSS.
  • Prepared post production of 3d renders and video footage using Vray render elements and After effects Keying tools.
  • Completed projects from Global national brands including Marriott, Hilton, Radissons and Sherrington park towers.

I’m inspired by nature and the motion of Animals, People and objects. Replicating what I see and adding to what I imagine is a blast for me.

What I Do

I have contributed to or managed projects in the following categories. I am always willing to learn new techniques or teach to others.


No matter what the the product or Object, I can Model precisely using 3 dimensional software composite with photography to create branding that stands out from the crowd.


When reaching out to customers or potential clients, the need to catch there attention is essential. It is a challenge, but using a combination of freeform hand drawings, Illustrator, Photoshop, 3ds Max and InDesign, striking designs are possible.

Games development

I am working on being a core asset to a games studio. Using my equipment and knowledge of the 3d gaming workflow I will provide a professional service to Temp or Perm contract.

Real Time Games engine

Using Unity or any other games engine I can design and create in 3d space Props, Environments and Characters for use in low poly or high poly simulations.

Social Media

Creating animated GIF’s, still images or animation shorts to advertise services or companies identities. Using Premiere, After effects and 2d – 3d software.


3d Max and Arnold are my core tools of choice to bring ideas to life in a 3d environment. Automotive, Architectural, Electrical, Fashion and High-end products are sectors I have contributed towards over my career. 

  • Edgware, Middlesex, HA8 7AW

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